Course details

Geographic Information Systems

BRA011 FAST BRA011 Acad. year 2025/2026 Winter semester 5 credits

Current academic year

Course will provide information on available tools and possibilities of using geographic information systems (GIS) in urban engineering. GIS is a powerful tool for managing, analyzing and presenting data with a wide range of applications in this field. Students will gain knowledge and practical skills in the following areas:
- the possibility of using GIS in urban engineering,
- hardware and software for GIS,
- input data for GIS in urban engineering,
- management of input data, data models,
- GIS analysis tools,
- presentation of the results of analyzes, map creation.


Language of instruction




Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 26 hrs exercises


Learning objectives

The goals of the course are:
to teach the principles and operation of geographic information systems;
to show how spatial hydrologic modeling can be done by developing a digital representation of the environment in the GIS, then adding functions simulating hydrologic processes;
to develop individual experience in the use of GIS in water management through execution of a term project.
Student complete goal of this course which include developing individual experience in the use of GIS in water management through execution of a term project.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

geodesy, informatics, information technology, urban planning, river engineering and weirs

Syllabus of lectures

  • 1. Introduction to GIS.
  • 2. Possibilities of GIS in urban engineering – case studies.
  • 3. Hardware and software for GIS.
  • 4. Data formats.
  • 5. Input data for GIS in urban engineering.
  • 6. Data management, data models.
  • 7.–9. Data analysis.
  • 10.–11. Presentation of the results of analyzes, map creation.
  • 12. Web GIS applications.
  • 13. Mobile GIS.

Syllabus of exercises

  • 1. Introduction to GIS, the possibility of using GIS in urban engineering, available software and technology.
  • 2. Semester project requirements.
  • 3.–4. Basic principles of GIS.
  • 5.–7. Data Management – data formats, data sources, data preprocessing for analysis.
  • 8.–11. Data analysis – basic analysis tools.
  • 12. Presentation of results of analyzes – map creation.
  • 13. Presenting the results of semester projects.

Progress assessment

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 1st year of study, Elective
  • Programme BIT (in English), 1st year of study, Elective
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