Course details

The C# Programming Language

ICS Acad. year 2023/2024 Summer semester 4 credits

Current academic year

C# language syntax. Object-orientation. The object model, objects, classes. Visual Studio. Debugger and profiler. Design patterns. Graphic user interfaces, WPF. Asynchronous programming with processes, threads, tasks. Data querying LINQ, ADO.NET. ORM mapping with Entity Framework.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction

Czech, English


Classified Credit (written)

Time span

  • 26 hrs seminar
  • 13 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 50 pts projects



Course Web Pages

See Czech version for additional useful links.

Learning objectives

This class aims to teach students object-oriented programming and desktop application design principles in the C# language.


Students will learn how to apply modern programming approaches in .NET platform using C# language. After class completion, students will be ready to tackle real-world programming challenges with a new perspective based on object-oriented principles and to apply design patterns to architecture design. Working in a team simulates real work assignments, teaches students coordination and enforces the use of agile methodologies.  Main take offs are object-oriented workflows in C# and .NET platform, application of design patterns and utilization of persistence data providers.

Why is the course taught

This course is intended for students interested in programming with modern high-abstract language to extend their value on the market. C# increases on its popularity rapidly thanks to its multiplatform runtime .NET Core. Language combines multiple programming paradigms like object orientation with components of functional programming. A student will try to cooperate with his teammates on a real-life project with agile management, source control, and design patterns application. After this course, the student is able to create a desktop application connected to a database that will not shame him.

Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge of imperative programming (C language), algorithmization and source code versioning.

Study literature

  • GAMMA, Erich. Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software. Pearson Education India, 1995.
  • BISHOP, J. (2007). C# 3.0 Design Patterns: Use the Power of C# 3.0 to Solve Real-World Problems. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
  • ALBAHARI, Joseph; ALBAHARI, Ben.; C# 7.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference. O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2017.

Syllabus of seminars

  1. Introduction to C# language and .NET platform, language syntax.
  2. Introduction to object-oriented programming and advanced programming constructs in C# - exceptions, events, delegates, lambda expressions, and generics.
  3. Base class library, and LINQ query (collections, XML, MSSQL). (Ing. Tibor Jašek, MSP)
  4. Database persistence with ORM Entity Framework and UnitOfWork and Repository design patterns.
  5. Clean Code, S.O.L.I.D. principles applied to C# examples. (Martin Dybal, Microsoft MVP)
  6. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern, and desktop application architecture. (Bc. Michal Mrnuštík, MSP)
  7. Introduction to Continous Integration in Visual Studio Team Services and application testing. (Ing. Jiří Pokorný, Solarwinds)
  8. Introduction to GUI based on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
  9. Design patterns, behavioural, structural and creational - Gang of Four (GoF). (Martin Dybal, Microsoft MVP)
  10. WPF based on MVVM and data binding, components, and styles. (Ing. Roman Jašek, Microsoft MVP)
  11. Tools for memory management, performance profiling.
  12. Parallel and asynchronous programming with processes, threads, and tasks in C#.
  13. Multiplatform development with .NET Standard, .NET Core. Application containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes, Docker Swarm.

Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students

Progress assessment

  • Project evaluation is divided into three parts.
  • Each part will be evaluated separately and feedback given to students for further improvements in the following phases.
  • Phases are marked by 20, 30, 50 points.
  • Final project (the third phase) evaluation is an oral defence.
  • Team project 5 members in the Azure DevOps environment.
  • Implemented using CleanCode and S.O.L.I.D. principles.
  • The implementation consists of a fully functional desktop application heading OOP principles with database persisted storage.
  • In case of forewarned complications students can ask for an extension of the deadline for any part of the project.

Exam prerequisites

  • At least 1 point of each project evaluation part
  • Obtain at least 50% of a apoint from orverall project evaluation

How to contact the teacher

The official contact channel is an email sent from the faculty address, addressed to the teacher according to the course card.

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 2nd year of study, Compulsory-Elective group T
  • Programme BIT (in English), 2nd year of study, Compulsory-Elective group T
  • Programme IT-BC-3, field BIT, 2nd year of study, Compulsory-Elective group T
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