function [junk,kk,cellphns]=make_phn_clusters2(phn_conf,phns,nc); % jan modifies so that we get cell array of clusters at the out. t=make_phn_clusters1(phn_conf,'cityblock','ward',nc); disp('cityblock'); % pdist methods linkage methods % euclid single % seuclid complete % cityblock average % mahal centroid % minkowski ward for i=1:nc idx{i}=find(t==i); end for i=1:nc jj=idx{i}; s=disp_phn_seq(phns,jj); cellphns(i) = cellstr(s); end junk=zeros(nc); for i=1:nc ii=idx{i}; for j=1:nc jj=idx{j}; junk(i,j)=sum(sum(phn_conf(ii,jj))); end end kk=muinfo(junk) function s=disp_phn_seq(phns,jj); s=''; for i=1:length(jj) s=strcat([s ' ' phns{jj(i)}]); end disp(s); function T=make_phn_clusters1(phn_conf,pdist_type,linkage_type,cutoff); Y = pdist(phn_conf,pdist_type); Z = linkage(Y, linkage_type); T = cluster(Z, cutoff);