function show_fea(feat,lab_list,transc) % function show_fea(feat,lab_list,transc) % % shows feature matrix (for example loaded from HTK feature file), % with some text labels on y axis and with % reference transcriptions. % feat - features (matrix) % lablist - (opt) label list in the format 'number space label'. Can be '' % transc - (opt) HTK transcription file (can't work with MLF). Can be '' % basic thing, wants it black'n'white imagesc(feat); [P,N] = size(feat); [P N] c = flipud(gray); colormap(c); %colorbar; % read and show label list if available. if (nargin > 1 & ~isempty(lab_list)) [num,lab] = textread(lab_list,'%d%s'); else % just make them numeric from 0 lab = 0:P-1; end % put them on axis h=gca; set (h,'fontsize',8); %set (h,'fontweight','bold'); set(h,'ytick', (1:P)); set (h,'yticklabel', lab); % read and show transcriptions if available if (nargin > 2 & ~isempty(transc)) add_labels(transc); end