function visualize_dontknow_tapes(base_name,ext) % function visualize_tapes(base_name,ext) % % base_name will be completed by dontknow % see /home/cernocky/SPOTTING/STOOLKIT_HONZA/README_HONZA % some settings for visu REPLACE_FLT_MAX = 10; YAXIS_MIN = 0; YAXIS_MAX = 5; gname = [base_name '_dontknow.' ext]; hold off; fg = fopen(gname,'r'); % read the keywrd name keywrd = fscanf(fg,'%s',[1 1]); % read and plot goods: cntg = 0; while (cntg < 5) [len,cnt] = fscanf(fg,'%d',[1 1]); [len cnt] if cnt ~= 1 break end % the change: read the file name ! fname = fscanf(fg,'%s',[1 1]); scores = fscanf (fg,'%f',[1 len]); lengths = fscanf (fg,'%d',[1 len]); % do something with too high scores (init at the beg): scores(find(scores > 1e38)) = REPLACE_FLT_MAX; plot (scores,'b'); %hold on; [mm,ii] = min(scores); text (ii,mm,num2str(cntg),'Fontweight','bold'); % [ii lengths(ii) ii*80-lengths(ii)*80 ii*80 ] title ([keywrd ' ' fname]) cntg = cntg +1; pause end cntg fclose (fg); % setting y axis %ax = axis; axis ([ax(1) ax(2) YAXIS_MIN YAXIS_MAX]);