Course details
Project Manager
PMA Acad. year 2023/2024 Summer semester 5 credits
This course covers the following themes: CONTEXTUAL COMPETENCES: Strategy. Governance, structures and processes. Compliance, standards and regulations. Power and interests. Culture and values. BEHAVIOURAL COMEPETENCES: Self-reflection and self-management. Personal integrity and reliability. Personal communication. Relations and engagement. Leadership. Teamwork. Conflict and crisis. Resourcefulness. Negotiation. Results orientation. TECHNICAL COMPETENCES: Project design. Requirements and objectives. Scope. Time. Organisation and information. Quality. Finance. Resources. Procurement. Plan and control. Risk and opportunity. Stakeholders. Change and transformation.
Course coordinator
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 26 hrs exercises
Assessment points
- 48 pts mid-term test (written part)
- 12 pts numeric exercises
- 40 pts homework
Learning objectives
The goal of the course is to get complex and comprehensive overview in project management according to IPMA (International Project Management Association) standard, practice important techniques, methods and skills, which are confirmed in everyday project practice. To prepare students for written examination of internationally certification according to IPMA level D and C. After successful finishing this course, students fulfill necessary requirement of candidate for internationally valid certification IPMA level D.
- Student will acquaint how project manage, creating plans and auxiliary plans including risk analysis.
- Student overrules to define project source for assignment to activities and reallocation of sources.
- Student will able to adopt oneself and to apply knowledge and skills from project management area in corresponding context.
- Student will able to apply knowledge from project management like the member of team in project.
- Obtained competency correspond requirement of candidate for internationally valid certification IPMA level D and C.
Why is the course taught
The development of information technology products is currently predominantly in the form of solved projects. Students will obtain a comprehensive and comprehensive overview of project management according to the International Project Management Association (IPMA) standard. They will practice important techniques, get acquainted with methods and acquire skills proven in everyday project practice. Students will be prepared for a written exam for international certification according to IPMA grade D and C. Upon successful completion of this course, students can obtain a National Certificate of Students (IPMA).
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
- Knowledge of higher mathematics.
Study literature
- Kerzner, H.: Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 9th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006, ISBN 13 978-0-471-74187-9.
- Ježková, Z., Krejčí, H., Lacko, B., Švec, J.: Projektové řízení - Jak zvládnout projekty, ACSA, 2014, ISBN 978-80-905297-1-7.
- Lacko, B., Švec, J., Balatková, M. a kol. : Specifika technických projektů - Pracovní sešit k Projektové řízení - Jak zvládnout projekty, ACSA, 2014, ISBN 978-80-905297-2-4.
- Svozilová, A.: Projektový management, GRADA Publishing, 2007, ISBN 80-247-1501-5.
- Rosenau, M. D.: Řízení projektů, Computer Press, 2007, 344 s., ISBN 80-7226-218-1.
- Doležal J. a kol.: Projektový management Komplexně, prakticky a podle světových standardů, Grada Publishing, 2016, ISBN 978-80-247-5620-2.
Fundamental literature
- Máchal P., Ondrouchová M., Krunčíková I., Nováková M., Chlupatý P. and Motal M.: Mezinárodní standard projektového řízení IPMA ICB v. 4. Praha, IPMA Czech Republic. Publikace (IPMA). 2017, ISBN 978-80-7326-285-3.
- IPMA ICB IV.: Individual Competence Baseline for Project, Programme E Portfolio Management version 4.0. Vyd. IPMA, 2015, ISBN 978-94-92338-00-6.
- Doležal J., Máchal P., Lacko B. a kol.: Projektový management podle IPMA, 2. aktualizované a doplněné vydání, Grada, 2012, ISBN 978-80-247-4275-5.
- Doležal J.: Projektový management: komplexně, prakticky a podle světových standardů. Praha: Grada Publishing. Expert (Grada), 2016, ISBN 978-80-247-5620-2.
- Pitaš, J. a kol.: Národní standard kompetencí projektového řízení, Společnost pro projektové řízení, o.s., 2012, ISBN 978-80-214-4058-6.
Syllabus of lectures
- Introductory information. Certification in project management. 1.01 Strategy, 1.02 Governance, structures and processes.
- 1.03 Compliance, standards and regulations, 1.04 Power and interests, 1.05 Culture and values.
- 2.01 Self-reflection and self-management, 2.02 Personal integrity and reliability.
- 2.03 Personal communication, 2.04 Relations and engagement, 2.05 Leadership.
- 2.06 Teamwork, 2.07 Conflict and crisis, 2.08 Resourcefulness.
- 2.09 Negotiation, 2.10 Results orientation.
- 3.01 Project design, 3.02 Requirements and objectives.
- 3.03 Scope, 3.04 Time.
- 3.05 Organisation and information, 3.06 Quality.
- 3.07 Finance, 3.08 Resources, 3.09 Procurement.
- 3.10 Plan and control, 3.11 Risk and opportunity.
- 3.12 Stakeholders, 3.13 Change and transformation.
- Final examination.
Syllabus of numerical exercises
- Get members of teams together. Oneself assessment test. Selection processes of suitable staffers for project (choice of suitable organizational structure).
- "ETHICAL CODE" - personal and group ethical code..
- "CAULDRON" public performance - under fire off questions will be recorded public performance by camcorder. Simulation of panel discussion and meeting
- "PAPER TOWER" - similar like by public performance - under fire off questions will be recorded public performance by camcorder.
- Gramophone plate and negative questioning techniques. Dispersonification and problem solving by using meditation and facilitate methods.
- Application project management in establishment. Logical framework approach.
- Methods of estimating and time scheduling.
- Analysis of causes and effects. RASCI Responsibility Matrix.
- Decision making about optimal resource of project financing. Net present value.
- SWOT analysis. EVM - Earned value management method
- Risk analysis. RIPRAN method.
- Network chart. Resource levelling.
- Final test.
Progress assessment
- Attendance list of classes - up to 12 points.
- Three evaluated home assignments evaluated together up to 40 points.
- Final written test up to 48 points.
- Active attending minimal 10 classes.
- Three evaluated home assignments.
- Final written test.
When a student cannot attend the excercise and proves it correctly (s)he can either attend the excercise with a different group (please inform the teacher about that) or (s)he can ask his/her teacher for alternative assignement that can compensate lost points from the excercise.
Exam prerequisites
- The minimal 10 classes have to active attend.
- Submit three home assignments.
- To earn min. 50 points within the semester.
How to contact the teacher
Teachers have consultation hours.
Course inclusion in study plans