Basic Information and News
Information for students:
- In general, the permanent studying materials with long-term validity are published on this web site. The deadlines and one-term-specific information can be found in IS FIT (WIS).
- Slides for lectures and links to additional/external materials (including exercises and audio recodings of past lectures) are in section Materials.
- If the video of a lecture can be taken in the current lecture room, it is published automatically at faculty video server.
- The schedule, points, and other organization information that is not in IS FIT can be found in section Organization.
- The project specification and organization of project are in section Project. Typically, the specification is published in first two weeks of the semester. There are several additional materials supporting the design and implementation of your projects. The questions and problems are usually discussed at phorum of VYPe course in IS FIT.
- If you need a consultation or a tutorial related to VYPe course, please contact appropriate teacher (see Organization of teaching).