% shows the clusters and centroids of VQ % limitation of data to show ... LIMIT = 1500; toshow = Aspeech(:,1:LIMIT); cols='ymcrgb'; ncols=6; figure(2); hold off; % >>> the setting of coefficients we want to look at is HERE <<< i1=1; i2=2; i3=3; for ii=1:L, indices = find (sym(1:LIMIT) == ii); plot3 (toshow(i1, indices), toshow(i2, indices), toshow(i3, indices), ... [cols(rem(ii, ncols)+1) , 'x']); hold on; plot3 (cb(i1, ii), cb (i2, ii), cb (i3, ii), ... [cols(rem(ii, ncols)+1) , 'o'],'MarkerSize', 15); text (cb(i1, ii), cb (i2, ii), cb (i3, ii), num2str(ii), 'FontSize', 15, 'FontWeight', 'bold' ); hold on; end grid