
Creative ArtKRGW4ClCrUPGM
Information Systems Project ManagementIRPS5Cr+ExUIFS
Service SciencesISES3ClCrUIFS
The Oracle SOA PlatformIOAW5ClCrUIFS
Formal Specifications of Computer-Based SystemsSSDS0ExUIFS
Embedded Systems DesignNVDS0ExUIFS
Discrete Processes in Electrical EngineeringDMA2S0ExUMAT
Parallel System Architecture and ProgrammingARCeW5Cr+ExUPSY
Agents and Multiagent SystemsAGSeW5ExUITS
Circuit TheoryITOuW6ExUITS
Circuit TheoryuITOW6ExUITS
Fuzzy SystemsFSYS5Cr+ExUAMT
Communication TheoryTSDW6Cr+ExUTKO
Evolutionary biologyBI8150S0ExPřF MU
Compiler ConstructionVYPeW5ExUIFS
Visualization and CADVIZS5ClCrUPGM
Advanced Computer GraphicsPGPW5ExUPGM
Embedded System SpecificationSVSeS5ExUIFS
Computer VisionPOVW5ExUPGM
Application Development for Mobile DevicesTAMW5ExUPGM
Securities and Stock ExchangesCPBS4ClCrFP
Information SystemsIISeW4Cr+ExUIFS
BSc Thesis, AbroadIBXS12CrFIT
BSc Thesis, AbroadIBXW12CrFIT
MSc Project, AbroadDIXS15CrFIT
MSc Project, AbroadDIXW15CrFIT
Real-Time Operating SystemsROSeS5ExUPSY
Term Project, AbroadSEXW5ClCrFIT
Natural Language ProcessingZPJeW5ExUPGM
Principles of Information SecurityPINxW6ExUTC
Biologically inspired computingBICxW10Ex
Digital Image AnalysisDIAxW10Ex
Design & Innovation in
ASP.NET ApplicationsASPxW6ExOPO
Other Advanced Studies of Computer ScienceOASxW1CrUEF
CIMET Group ProjectCGPxW5ExUEF
Software Quality, Processes and OrganizationsSOQxW7ExLUT
Introduction to Computer GraphicsICGxW5ExLUT
Mobile Internet ProgrammingMIPxW3ExOPO
Digital TheologyDITxW4ExUEF
Computational Intelligence IICI2xW5ExUEF
Assembly LanguagesIASuS6ExUITS
MultimediaMULx W5Ex
First Certificate in English IBYA20W3CrSPV
Games and NetworkingGANxW7ExLUT
Web AppsWEBxW6Ex
Management and CommunicationMACxW4Ex
Management II (Strategic Management)MA2xW3Ex
Decision AnalysisDEAxW5Ex
Usability EngineeringUENxW8Ex
Display TechnologyDTExW4Ex
Introduction to RoboticsINRxW4Ex
Power ElectronicsPOExW4Ex
Data / Information VisualizationDIVxW6Ex
Human-Computer InteractionHUCxW6ExUNL
Software Development MethodsSMDxW6ExUNL
Programming FundamentalsPRFxW5ExBU
Intro to Operating SystemsIOSxW5ExBU
Computer & Network SecurityCNSxW5ExBU
Operating Systems & NetworksOSNxW5ExBU
Beginners' JapaneseJAPxW5ExBU
UNIX Operating SystemUNXxW5ExBU
Startup IncubatorSTIxW1Ex
Technology and Urban DesignTUDxW1Ex
Cross-cultural CommunicationsCCCxW1Ex
English: Beginners 2/2AH0S0-UJAZ
English: Beginners 1/2AH0W0-UJAZ
Seminar JavaScript TechnologySJTxW4Ex
Verteilte SystemeVSYxW5Ex
Praktikum Cloud Data BasesCDBxW10Ex
Web DevelopmentWEDxW7Ex
French CourseFRCxW3Cr
Advanced ManagementADMxW7Ex
Bachelor's thesisBACxS12Ex
iOS Application DevelopmentOSAxS5Ex
Bachelor ThesisBCHxS6Ex
Security Aspects in Software Development, LSA1x S3Extugraz
Applied Cryptography, LAC1xW3Extugraz
Real-Time Computer GraphicRTCxW10Ex
Deriving ProgramsDEPxS5ExUEF
Infrastucture ManagementINMxS4ExUEF
Other Advanced Studies of Computer ScienceOSCxS2CrUEF
Orientation for International StudentsOINxS1CrUEF
Oulu Game Lab LeadOGLxS3CrOPO
Game Industry BasicsGIBxS10CrOPO
Marketing in Game IndustryMGIxS8CrOPO
Game Industry Core SkillsGICxS9CrOPO
Usability DesignUDExS6Ex
System SoftwareSSOxS5Ex
Embedded System DesignESDxS4Ex
Game DesignGDExW10ExNTNU
Network AdministrationNEAxW10ExNTNU
Mobile Development TheoryMDTxW5ExNTNU
Distributed technologies for social networksDTNxS10Ex
Norwegian for international students, introductory courseNOIxS10Ex
Serious Games WokshopSGWxS4CrTallinna ülikool
Evaluation the User ExperienceEUExS5ExTallinna ülikool
Interaction Design MethodsIDMxS5ExTallinna ülikool
Accessibility WorkshopACWxS4ExTallinna ülikool
Mobile Software DevelopmentMSDxW5ExTUD
Software Engineering 3SE3xW5ExTUD
EAP Upper Interm 1UI1xW5ExTUD
Irish Cultural Studies 1AI1AxW5ExTUD
Team ProjectTEPxS10ExTUD
Project Management And Professional PracticePMPxS10Ex
Modelling Of Shape Space & MovementMODxS10Ex
Team Project ComputingTPCxS10Ex
System-on-Chip Architectures and ModellingSCAxW5Extugraz
CHYBA - Secutity Aspects in Software DevelopmentSA1xW2Extugraz
VLSI DesignVL1xW2Extugraz
VLSI Design, LVL2xS3Extugraz
IT SecurityITSxS2Extugraz
Selected Topics IT Security 1STSxS2Extugraz
English for Engineers: Intermediate 2 (B2/2)EB2xS2Extugraz
Applied Cryptography, PEAC2xW2Extugraz
Security Aspects in Software Development, PESA2xW2Extugraz
Photo Realism, SEPHRxS5Extugraz
Structural biochemistryC9530W0ExPřF MU
Advances on digital imaging and computer visionADVxS8Ex
Multimedia Application DevelopmentMUAxS8Ex
Management of ICT ProjectsMANxS8Ex
Neural NetworksNENxS8Ex
Statistics, Stochastic Procesess, Operational AnalysisDMA1W0ExUMAT
Modern Network TechnologiesDTK1S0ExUTKO
Financial Management of the CorporateFIMW6Cr+ExFP
Bachelor's Thesis Abroad - DefenceIBPxS0CrFIT
Administration of Oracle Database SystemIODS4ClCrUIFS
Data Warehousing in OracleIOWS5ClCrUIFS
Entrepreneurship Natural and Legal PersonsIPFPW3Cr+ExFP
Spanish for Beginners 1/2JS1W3CrUJAZ
Macroeconomics 2MA2W6ExFP
International FinanceMFIS6ExFP
Microeconomics 2MI2S5ExFP
Molecular GeneticsMOGW3ExFCH
Advanced Methods of Signal ProcessingMZSS6Cr+ExUBMI
Cost ManagementNMAS5ExFP
Personal ManagementPEMS3ClCrFP
Advanced Methods of Analyses and SimulationPMMS4ExFP
Business LogisticsPOLS5Cr+ExFP
Business ManagementPOMW5Cr+ExFP
Risk ManagementRMAW5ExFP
Real-Time Operating SystemsROSW5ExUPSY
Analysis of Company's CapabilityRVPW6ExFP
Stochastic ProcessesSSPS4Cr+ExFSI
Specification of Embedded SystemsSVDW0ExUIFS
System BiologySYSS5ExUBMI
Evolutionary genomicsBI8350S0ExPřF MU
Modelling of Biological SystemsMOBW4Cr+ExUBMI
Strategic MarketingSMAW3ExFP
Arduino technology as the enabler of Cyber Physical SystemsCPSxS1CrUniMe
Undergrade Research Oportunity (Work on BSc Project)UROxS12CrREYKJAV05
Database DevelopmentDDExW10Ex
Structural biologyBI9410W0ExPřF MU
English for EuropeAEUS3Cr+ExUJAZ
English for EuropeAEUW3Cr+ExUJAZ
Processor ArchitectureACHW5Cr+ExUPSY
Agents and Multiagent SystemsAGSS5ExUITS
Parallel System Architecture and ProgrammingARCS5Cr+ExUPSY
Audio and Speech Processing by Humans and MachinesASDW0ExUPGM
Information Systems Analysis and DesignAISW5Cr+ExUIFS
English for ITAITS3Cr+ExUJAZ
English for ITAITW3Cr+ExUJAZ
Selected Topics on Language Parsing and TranslationAPDW0ExUIFS
Headway Pre-Intermediate 2BAN2W3Cr+ExUJAZ
Headway Pre-Intermediate 2BAN2S3Cr+ExUJAZ
New Headway Intermediate 1BAN3S3Cr+ExUJAZ
New Headway Intermediate 1BAN3W3Cr+ExUJAZ
New Headway Intermediate 2BAN4S3Cr+ExUJAZ
New Headway Intermediate 2BAN4W3Cr+ExUJAZ
Information System Security and CryptographyBIDS0ExUITS
Bio-Inspired ComputersBINS5ExUPSY
Biometric SystemsBIOW5Cr+ExUITS
Information System SecurityBISW5ExUITS
Wireless and Mobile NetworksBMSW5ExUITS
Network Cabling and Routing (CCNA1+CCNA2)I1CS4ClCrUIFS
Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)C1PS5ClCrUIFS
Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH)C2PS5ClCrUIFS
Advanced Methods of Processing and Analysis of ImagesDBM1W0ExUBMI
Master's ThesisDIPS13CrFIT
Dynamic LanguagesDJAS5ExUITS
Economics of Information ProductsEIPW5ExUIFS
Evolutionary and Unconventional HardwareEUDS0ExUPSY
Evolutionary ComputationEVDS0ExUPSY
Applied Evolutionary AlgorithmsEVOS5ExUPSY
Formal Program AnalysisFADW0ExUITS
Formal Analysis and VerificationFAVW5Cr+ExUITS
English: Preparatory Course for FCE ExamFCEW3CrUPSY
English: Preparatory Course for FCE ExamFCES3CrUPSY
Philosophy and the CultureFIKS3CrCVP
History and Philosophy of TechnologyFITW3CrCVP
Functional and Logic ProgrammingFLPS5Cr+ExUIFS
Functional Verification of Digital SystemsFVSS5ExUPSY
Physical OpticsFYOS5ExUFYZ
Graph AlgorithmsGALW5ExUIFS
Geographical Information SystemsGISS5Cr+ExUITS
Graphical User Interfaces in JavaGJAS5ExUPGM
Graphic and Multimedia ProcessorsGMUW5Cr+ExUPSY
Graphical User Interfaces in X Window SystemGUXW5ExUIFS
Graphical and Sound Interfaces and StandardsGZNW5ExUPGM
Assertiveness and ConflictsHKAS3CrUPSY
Assertiveness and ConflictsHKAW3CrUPSY
Communication SkillsHKOS3CrUPSY
Communication SkillsHKOW3CrUPSY
Personality PsychologyHPOS3CrUPSY
Personality PsychologyHPOW3CrUPSY
Presentation SkillsHPRS3CrUPSY
Presentation SkillsHPRW3CrUPSY
Hardware/Software CodesignHSCW5Cr+ExUPSY
Leadership and People ManagementHVRS3CrUPSY
Leadership and People ManagementHVRW3CrUPSY
Machine level programmingISUS6Cr+ExUITS
Bachelor's ThesisIBPS9CrFIT
Security and Computer NetworksIBSS4Cr+ExUIFS
The C++ Programming LanguageICPS4CrUITS
Discrete MathematicsIDAW7ExUMAT
Database SystemsIDSS5Cr+ExUIFS
Database SystemsIDSeS5Cr+ExUIFS
Electronics for Information TechnologyIELW6ExUITS
Electronics for Information TechnologyIELeW6ExUITS
Formal Languages and CompilersIFJW5Cr+ExUIFS
Formal Languages and CompilersIFJeW5Cr+ExUIFS
Seminar of PhysicsIFSW2CrUFYZ
Information SystemsIISW4Cr+ExUIFS
IBM zSeries ServersIIZS5ClCrUITS
Java Programming LanguageIJAS4CrUITS
The C Programming LanguageIJCS5ExUITS
Classification and RecognitionIKRS5ExUPGM
Mathematical AnalysisIMAS5ExUMAT
Microprocessors and Embedded SystemsIMPeS6ExUPSY
Microprocessors and Embedded SystemsIMPW6Cr+ExUPSY
Modelling and SimulationIMSW5Cr+ExUITS
Multimedia Transmission over IP NetworksIMUS4ClCrUIFS
Digital Systems DesignINCS5Cr+ExUPSY
Digital Systems DesignINCeW5ExUPSY
IT Service Design and ImplementationINIW4ClCrUIFS
Numerical Methods and ProbabilityINMW5Cr+ExUMAT
Design of Computer SystemsINPW5Cr+ExUPSY
Operating SystemsIOSS5Cr+ExUITS
Computer Communications and NetworksIPKS5Cr+ExUIFS
Computer Communications and NetworksIPKeW5Cr+ExUIFS
Principles of Programming LanguagesIPPeS5Cr+ExUIFS
Principles of Programming LanguagesIPPS5Cr+ExUIFS
Peripheral DevicesIPZeS4ExUPSY
Peripheral DevicesIPZW4ExUPSY
Project Practice 1IP1W5CrUIFS
Project Practice 2IP2S5CrUIFS
Network Applications and Network AdministrationISAW5Cr+ExUIFS
Intelligent SystemsISDS0ExUITS
Scripting LanguagesISJS5ExUPGM
Seminar of MathematicsISMW2CrUMAT
Term ProjectISPW2CrFIT
Signals and SystemsISSW6ExUPGM
Personal ComputersITPS5ExUPSY
Testing and Dynamic AnalysisITSS5Cr+ExUITS
User Interface ProgrammingITUW4ClCrUPGM
User Interface ProgrammingITUeW4ClCrUPGM
Web DesignITWeW5ClCrUIFS
Typography and PublishingITYS4ClCrUITS
Introduction to Software EngineeringIUSW5Cr+ExUITS
Information Education and LiteracyIVGW1CrFIT
Practical Aspects of Software DesignIVSS5ClCrUPGM
BioinformaticsIV108W0ExFI MU
Computer Graphics PrinciplesIZGS6Cr+ExUPGM
Introduction to Programming SystemsIZPW7Cr+ExUIFS
Fundamentals of Artificial IntelligenceIZUS4Cr+ExUITS
Fundamentals of Artificial IntelligenceIZUeW4Cr+ExUITS
LAN Switching, Accessing the WAN (CCNA3+4)I2CW4ClCrUIFS
Ph.D. Test of EnglishJADS0ExUJAZ
Ph.D. Test of EnglishJADW0ExUJAZ
English: ConversationJA3S3Cr+ExUJAZ
English: ConversationJA3W3Cr+ExUJAZ
English for PhD StudentsJA6DW0ExUJAZ
Spanish for Beginners 2/2JS2S3Cr+ExUJAZ
Data Coding and CompressionKKOS5Cr+ExUPSY
Culture of Speech and the Generation of TextsIKPTS5CrFEKT
Culture of Speech and the Generation of TextsIKPTW5CrFEKT
Classification and recognitionKRDS0ExUPGM
Mathematical Structures in Computer ScienceMATW5ExÚM OAAG
Economics for ManagersMEKS5Cr+ExÚM
Modern Mathematical Methods in InformaticsMIDS0ExÚM OAAG
Mathematical LogicMLDS0ExÚM OAAG
Advanced Methods of 3D Scene VisualisationMMDW0ExUPGM
Project ManagementMPRS5Cr+ExUIFS
Modelling and SimulationMSDW0ExUITS
Microsoft Windows Desktop SystemsIW1W5Cr+ExUIFS
Microsoft Windows Server SystemsIW2S5Cr+ExUIFS
Microsoft Windows Network TechnologiesIW3W5ExUIFS
Microsoft Enterprise SolutionsIW4S5ExUIFS
Programming .NET and C#IW5S5ClCrUIFS
Modern Methods of Speech ProcessingMZDW0ExUPGM
Design of External Adapters and Embedded SystemsNAVS5ExUPSY
Projecting, Administration and SecurityNSBS5Cr+ExUIFS
Optimal Control and IdentificationORIDW0ExFEKT
Advanced Assembly LanguagesIPAW5ExUITS
Advanced biometric systemsPBDW0ExUITS
Advanced BioinformaticsPBIW4ExUPSY
Advanced Digital SystemsPCSW5ExUPSY
Advanced Database SystemsPDBW5Cr+ExUIFS
Applications of Parallel ComputersPDDW0ExUPSY
Distributed Application EnvironmentPDIW5ExUIFS
Data Communications, Computer Networks and ProtocolsPDSS5ExUIFS
Engineering Pedagogy and DidacticsIIPDS5ExFEKT
Engineering Pedagogy and DidacticsIIPDW5ExFEKT
Theory of Financial MarketsPFTDS0ExFP
Computer GraphicsPGDW0ExUPGM
Computer GraphicsPGReW5ExUPGM
Computer GraphicsPGRW5ExUPGM
Advanced Information SystemsPISS5Cr+ExUIFS
Advanced Communication SystemsPKSW5Cr+ExUIFS
Project ManagerPMAS5ClCrUIFS
Advanced Operating SystemsPOSS5ExUIFS
Parallel and Distributed AlgorithmsPRLS5Cr+ExUITS
Fundamentals of LawPRMW3CrCVP
Fundamentals of LawPRMS3CrCVP
Educational PsychologyIPSOS5ExFEKT
Educational PsychologyIPSOW5ExFEKT
The Principles of Testable Design SynthesisPTDW0ExUPSY
Intelligent SensorsSENW5Cr+ExUITS
Term ProjectSEPW5ClCrFIT
Soft ComputingSFCW5Cr+ExUITS
Selected Topics of Software Engineering and Database SystemsSIDS0ExUIFS
Intelligent SystemsSINW5ExUITS
Seminar of Mathematical StructuresSMTW2CrUITS
Simulation Tools and TechniquesSNTS5Cr+ExUITS
Fault Tolerant SystemsSODS0ExUPSY
Fault Tolerant SystemsSPPS5Cr+ExUPSY
Strategic Management of Information SystemsSRIW5ExUIFS
Theoretical Computer Science SeminarSTIW2CrUITS
Strategic ManagementSTMS5Cr+ExÚM
Theory and Applications of Petri NetsTADS0ExUITS
Game TheoryTHEW4Cr+ExUITS
Modern Theoretical Computer ScienceTIDW0ExUIFS
Theoretical Computer ScienceTINeS5Cr+ExUITS
Theoretical Computer ScienceTINW5Cr+ExUITS
Programming Language TheoryTJDW0ExUIFS
Category TheoryTKDW0ExÚM OAAG
Computational GeometryVGES5ExUPGM
Computer ArtVINS5ExUPGM
Selected Chapters on AlgorithmsVKDS0ExUIFS
Higly Sophisticated ComputationsVNDS0ExUITS
High Performance ComputationsVNVeS5ExUITS
High Performance ComputationsVNVS5ExUITS
Selected Topics of Information SystemsVPDS0ExUIFS
Internet ApplicationsWAPS5Cr+ExUIFS
Corporate EconomyIZEPW5Cr+ExÚM
Rudiments of MarketingIZMAS5Cr+ExÚM
Natural Language ProcessingZPDW0ExUPGM
Image ProcessingZPOS5ExUPGM
Professional Practice, AbroadZPXS5CrFIT
Professional Practice, AbroadZPXW5CrFIT
Speech Signal ProcessingZRES5ExUPGM
Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesZZDW0ExUIFS
Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesZZNW5Cr+ExUIFS
Graphical User Interfaces in JavaGJAeS5ExUPGM
Signals and SystemsISSeW6ExUPGM
Speech Signal ProcessingZREeS5ExUPGM
Programming language C++PLCxS5ExHU BUDAPES01
Algorithms and data structures II, LADLx S3ExHU BUDAPES01
Databases I, PDAPxS2ExHU BUDAPES01
Hungarian for Erasmus StudentsHESxS3ExHU BUDAPES01
Human Computer InteractionHINxS5Ex
Wissensbasierte SystemeWISxS5Ex
Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensiv 5 (B1.1)DE5xS4Ex
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 6 (B1.2)DE6xS2Ex
Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT)C3PW5ClCrUIFS
Headway Pre-Intermediate 1BAN1S3Cr+ExUJAZ
Distributed Application EnvironmentPDIeW5ExUIFS
Tax SystemIDASS5Cr+ExÚI
Financial AnalysisIFANS5Cr+ExFP
The History and Context of Photography 2IDF2S3ExFaVU
Business ManagementIPMAW5ExFP
Rudiments of FundingIZFIW5Cr+ExÚM
Russian: Beginners 1BYR1S3CrSPV
Computer VisionCOVxS4Ex
Neural Networks, Adaptive and Optimum FilteringQB4S0ExUBMI
English for Bachelors - Intermediate 2XAN4u W3ExUJAZ
Software engineeringSOEx W6ExUEF
Norwegian for International StudentsNISx W15Ex
Security in Operation Systems and SoftwareSOSx W10Ex
Finnish 1FI1x W2CrLUT
Finnish 2FI2x W2CrLUT
Principles of Algorithmic TechniquesPATx
Programming LanguagesPRLx W8ExNTNU
Artificial Intelligence ProgrammingAIPx W8ExNTNU
Computer HardwareIPRu W6ExUITS
Digital MultimediaDIMx W5Ex
Introduction to Cloud ComputingICCx W6ExUTC
Principle of Data AnalyticsPDAx W6ExUTC
Java EE Server ProgrammingJEEx W6ExOPO
Survival FinnishSUFx W2ExUEF
Information Visualisation, SEINVx S5Extugraz
Statistical Analysis in ModellingSAMx W5ExLUT
Information SecurityISEx
Storytelling - a Narrative Aproach for EntrepreneurshipSTLx
Information SystemsINSx W8ExNTNU
Parallel ComputingPACx W8ExNTNU
Finnish Survival CourseFSCx W3ExOPO
Basic Course in RBCRx W2CrUEF
Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsDAAx W6ExUEF
MATLAB FundamentalsMTLx W2CrUEF
Orientation for International StudentsOISx W1CrUEF
Game Development ProjectGDPx W4ExLUT
Human-Computer InteractionHCIx W4Ex
Pathways to Sustainability: Core Issues and Challenges#PASx W3Ex
Software SecuritySOFx W6ExUNL
Internet Application Design and ImplmentationIADx W6ExUNL
Introduction to History of Crete & GreeceIHCx W4Ex
Greek LanguageGLAx W2Ex
Marketing PrinciplesMAPx W3Ex
Multimedia TechnologyMUTx W6Ex
Digital Television PrinciplesDTPx W6Ex
Computer ProgrammingCOPx W4Ex
Digital Image Processing and Remote Data AnalysisDIIx W4Ex
Computer NetworksCONx W8Ex
Computational IntelligenceCOIx W8Ex
Database Systems 1DS1x W5ExBU
Web TechnologiesWETx W5ExBU
HCI & Computer GraphicsHCCx W5ExBU
Environmental Issues in Southern TaiwanEISx W1Ex
Deutsch als Fremdspache A2.1DFSx W6Ex
Muster in der SoftwaretechnikMUSx W5Ex
Advanced Software DevelopmentASDx W2Ex
Advanced ProgrammingAPRx W7Ex
Intercultural CompetencesICOx S3ExOPO
Planning of Internet-based Business ProjectPIBx S6ExOPO
Finnish Survival CourseFISx S3ExOPO
Artificial IntelligenceARIx S6ExREYKJAV05
New TechnologyNETx S6ExREYKJAV05
Bachelor's ThesisBATx S0Cr
Advaced Topics in AlgorithmsATAx S3CrUEF
IT Service ManagementISMx S5ExUEF
Survival FinnishSFIx S2ExUEF
Bachelor's Thesis / Information EngineeringBTHx S12CrOULU
Electronic CircuitsELCx S5Ex
Norwegian Language and Culture for Intenational StudentsNLCx W5CrNTNU
Artificial IntelligenceAINx S10ExNTNU
Game ProgrammingGPRx W10ExNTNU
Network SecurityNESx S5ExNTNU
Mobile Development ProjectMDPx W5ExNTNU
Mobile Media DesignMMDx S5ExNTNU
Distributed ObjectsDIOx S10Ex
Neural Networks and Expert SystemsNNEx W10Ex
Network SecutityNSEx W10Ex
Independet StudyISTx S10Ex
Project Management and Research MethologyPMRx S10Ex
Mobile Application DevelopmentMADx S10Ex
MSc ProjectMSPx S30Ex
ICT Systems DevelopmentICTx S10Ex
Developing Interactive SystemsDISx S5CrTallinna ülikool
PracticePRCx S4CrTallinna ülikool
Design of Game AssetsDGAx S4CrTallinna ülikool
Data Privacy and SecurityDPSx S5Ex
Business EthicsBUEx S3Ex
German Culture and CommunicationGCCx S2Ex
Systems SecuritySSEx S5ExTUD
Programming for Smart ObjectsPSOx S5ExTUD
EAP Upper Interm 2UI2x S5ExTUD
Operating SystemsOPSx W10Ex
German Threshold 2, Intensive, Level B1/2nd PhaseGB1x W6ExUNI GRAZ
Embedded SecurityEMSx S5Extugraz
Social Media Technology, SESMTx S3Extugraz
.net Software DevelopmentNSDx S5Ex
English 6: Intercultural CommunicationEN6x S3Ex
Data Structures And AlgorithmsDSAx W10Ex
Computer GraphicsCGRx S5Ex
Database DevelopmentDADx W10Ex
Parallele und verteilte AlgorithmenPARx S10Ex
Network SecuritySECx S8Ex
Databases I, LDALx S2ExHU BUDAPES01
Practical software engineering IIPSEx S4ExHU BUDAPES01
Algorithms and data structures II, PADPx S2ExHU BUDAPES01
Operating systemsOSYx S4ExHU BUDAPES01
Computer GraphicsCOGx S5Ex
Compl - Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
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