
Algorithms and ProgrammingAPRS5ExFIT
Programming PracticePROS2ExUIFS
Logic SystemsLOSW5ExFIT
Algorithms and Data StructuresADSS7ExFIT
Operating Systems 1OS1W5ExUITS
Software EngineeringPPSS5ExUIFS
Computer GraphicsPOXS8ExFIT
Linear Algebra and GeometryLAGW4ExUMAT
Technical Documentation & CADTDEW5ExUETE
Algebra and GraphsAGRS4ExUMAT
Physics 2FI2S5ExUFYZ
Electronic DevicesESYS7Cr+ExUMEL
Numerical Mathematics and ProbabilityNMPW7ExUMAT
Systems, Processes and SignalsSXCW7ExFIT
Russian Language 1F1RS2CrFIT
English for Everyday Use 1F1AS2ExFIT
Introduction to Finnish CultureFFCS2CrFIT
Project Management of Computer-Based SystemsRPXS7ExFIT
Radio Relay and Sattelite CommunicationSDSS7ExFEKT
Radars and NavigationRARW5ExFEKT
Telecommunication Optical NetworksTOSS5ExFEKT
Communications Networks and EngineeringKSTW5ExFEKT
Operations ResearchOPVS6ExUMAT
Applied Computer ScienceAINS5CrFIT
Linear Algebra and GeometryILAW4ExUMAT
Electrical Engineering 1IE1W5Cr+ExUITS
Electrical Engineering 2IE2S7ExUITS
Medical Applications in InformaticsLAIS5ExUBMI
Introduction to Economy and LawIUES5ExDFIT
Pascal and Modula LanguagesIPMS4CrUIFS
Algorithms and Data StructuresADSW6ExUIFS
Operating Systems 1OS1S5ExUITS
C and C++ Programming LanguagesCPPW6ExUITS
Data Modelling and Database DesignDSIW6ExFIT
Principles of Computer GraphicsZPGW6ExUPGM
Digital and Impulse CircuitsCIOW6ExUPSY
Assembly LanguagesSOJW6ExFIT
Theoretical Computer Science 1TI1W6ExUITS
Peripheral Devices 1PZ1S6ExFIT
Computer Organization and ArchitectureVPOS6Cr+ExFIT
Programming LanguagesPRJS6Cr+ExUIFS
Principles of Compiler DesignZAPS6ExFIT
Year Project 2/2PI2S4ClCrFIT
Computer GraphicsPOGS7ExUPGM
Modelling and SimulationMSIW6ExFIT
Computability and ComplexityVSLW6ExFIT
Graphical User InterfacesGURW5ExCVT
Year Project 1/2PI1W0CrFIT
Applied microcomputesAMCS6ExUPSY
Data Communications and Computer NetworksPDTS6ExUIFS
Computer Security and CryptographyBKRS6ExUITS
Artificial IntelligenceUINS6ExFIT
Object Oriented Modelling and PrototypingOMPS6ExFIT
Operating Systems 2OS2S6ExCVT
Neural NetworksNEUW6ExFIT
Information Systems DesignINSW6Cr+ExFIT
Computer Networks and Communication ProtocolsPSIW6ExUIFS
Computer Networks and Communication ProtocolsPSIS8ExFIT
Theoretical Computer Science 2TI2S6ExFIT
Diagnosis and Safe SystemsDIAW6ExUPSY
Bachelor Project CSEBPIW6CrFIT
Applied Evolutionary AlgorithmsEVAS6ExUPSY
Physics 1FY1W5ExUFYZ
Mathematics 1MA1W8ExUMAT
Mathematical Analysis 1 (foreign students)M1AW7ExUMAT
Introduction to Electrical Engineering (international students)ZE1W4ClCrUVEE
Introduction to ElectroengineeringZELW3ExUVEE
Physics 2 (foreign students)F2IS6ExUFYZ
Mathematics 2M2IS8ExUMAT
Circuit TheoryTO1S7ExUTEE
Electronic DevicesE1SS6ExUMEL
Selected Parts of MathematicsVPMW7ExUMAT
Systems, Processes and SignalsSX1S6ExFEKT
Expert SystemsESLS6ExUBMI
Digital Signal Processing and AnalysisZASW7ExUBMI
Digital Image Processing and AnalysisZAOS7ExUBMI
Industrial RoboticsQA7S0ExUAMT
Differential Equations in Electrical EngineeringQM2S0ExUMAT
English: Preparatory Course for CFC 1/2JA1W4CrUJAZ
English: Preparatory Course for CFC 2/2JA1S4Cr+ExUJAZ
English: Listening 1/2JA7W2CrUJAZ
English: Listening 2/2JA7S2Cr+ExUJAZ
German for Advanced Students 1/2JN5W2CrUJAZ
German for Advanced Students 2/2JN5S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Preparatory Course (1) for State Exam in German 1/2JN6W4CrUJAZ
Preparatory Course (1) for State Exam in German 2/2JN6S4Cr+ExUJAZ
Ethics in ManagementEPOW2CrCVP
Ethics in ManagementEPOS2CrCVP
Double Insert Book-KeepingPOUW5ExCVP
Double Insert Book-KeepingPOUS5ExCVP
Clinical PhysiologyKFIW5Cr+ExUBMI
Matrix CalculusMPOS5ExUMAT
Means of AutomationAUPW5ExUAMT
Probability and StatisticsPMSW5Cr+ExUMAT
Single-Isert BookkeepingJEUW2CrCVP
Single-Isert BookkeepingJEUS2CrCVP
Physics 3F3EW6ExUFYZ
Orthogonal Systems of the Special FunctionsOSFS5ExUMAT
Object Oriented Programming in PascalOPBS6ClCrUREL
Human BiologyBCIS5Cr+ExUBMI
Hospital Information SystemsMEDW6Cr+ExUBMI
Programmable Logics ControllerPRAW5Cr+ExUAMT
Algebra and Discrete MathematicsADMS4ExUMAT
Numerical MathematicsNUMW4ExUMAT
Multiple Integrals and Integral TransformsID1S6ExUMAT
Kryptography in InformaticsKVIW5ExUTKO
PhD ActivitiesVEDOS0ExFIT
Rezervace pro FEKTREZFW0ClCrFEKT
Czech Language 3CZ3W3ExUMEL
Czech Language 3C3ZW2ClCrUMEL
Czech Language 4CZ4S4ExUMEL
Czech Language 4C4ZS2ExUMEL
Electrical Engineering 2 (foreign students)I2ES6ExFIT
Introduction to Programming Systems (foreign students)IZ1W6ExUITS
Headway Pre-Intermediate 2/2IH2W2ExUJAZ
Headway Pre-Intermediate 1/2IH2S2CrUJAZ
New Headway Intermediate 2/2IH3W2ExUJAZ
New Headway Intermediate 1/2IH3S2CrUJAZ
Preparatory Course (2) for State Exam in German 1/2JN7W4CrUJAZ
Preparatory Course (2) for State Exam in German 2/2JN7S4Cr+ExUJAZ
Spectral analysis of digital signalsQB2W0ExUBMI
Formal Specification of Information Technology SystemsQTCW4ExUIFS
Spanish for BeginnersYS1S2ExSPV
Differential Equations in ElectrotechnicsDRES5ExUMAT
Intelligent ControllersQA5W0ExUAMT
Hierarchical and decentralized controlQA8W0ExUAMT
Modern Control TheoryQA9W0ExUAMT
Statistic methods of data processingQM7W0ExUMAT
Speech Signal Processing for Speaker RecognitionQRHW0ExUREL
Integration of Telecommunication Networks and ServicesQT6W0ExUTKO
Czech Language 1C1ZW2ClCrUMEL
Electrical Engineering 1IE1S5ExUITS
Java Programming LanguageIJXW6ExFIT
Year Project 2/2 (in the World)P2XS6ClCrFIT
Computer Security and CryptographyBKXW8ExFIT
Information SystemsINXW8ExFIT
Introduction to PhysicsFY1S5ExUFYZ
Introduction to Mathematical AnalysisM1AS7ExUMAT
Advanced Numerical MethodsMNMS6ExUMAT
Electrical Materials and DocumentationMEIS5ExUETE
Graphic Systems 1GS1S2ClCrUETE
Czech Language 1C1ZS2ClCrUMEL
Selected Parts of PhysicsIF3W4ExUFYZ
Selected Parts of MathematicsIVPW7ExUMAT
Italian for Lower-Intermediate StudentsYI2S2ExSPV
Esperanto: BeginnersJESS4ExFIT
Czech Language 2C2ZS2ExUMEL
Finnish 1FF1W2ExFIT
Physical Training (recommended)TEVW1CrCESA
Physical Training (recommended)TEVS1CrCESA
Advanced computer applicationsAPPS6ExFIT
Human-Machine InterfaceSCSW6ExUPGM
Peripheral Devices 2PZ2W6ExFIT
Post-Relational DatabasesPRDS6ExFIT
Advanced Digital DesignNCSW6ExUPSY
Advanced computer architecturesARPW6Cr+ExFIT
Parallel and Distributed AlgorithmsPDAW6Cr+ExFIT
Computer Communications and InterfacingKPAW6ExUIFS
Graphic ProcessorsGMPW6Cr+ExUPSY
Fault-Tolerant SystemsSOPS6Cr+ExFIT
Term ProjectPI3W3ClCrFIT
Project Management of Computer-Based SystemsRPSS6ExUIFS
Personal Computers - Technical MaintenancePTPS6ExFIT
MSc Thesis Project (in the World)DPXS15CrFIT
MSc Thesis ProjectDPIS10CrFIT
Digital Signal ProcessingCZSW6ExUPSY
Digital Transmission SystemsPTSS6ExFEKT
Microcomputer Control of Electrical DrivesMRPW6Cr+ExUVEE
Automobile Electrical UnitsAETS6Cr+ExUVEE
Computer Aided DesignPPKS6ClCrUVEE
Psychology and SociologyPSOS2ExFEKT
Digital Speech ProcessingCZRS6ExFIT
Rudiments of MarketingZMAS5ExFP
Physical TrainingTELW1CrCESA
Physical TrainingTELS1CrCESA
Selected Chapters on AlgorithmsVKAS0ExFIT
Writing for Academic PurposesJA6W0CrUJAZ
Writing for Academic PurposesJA6S0ExUJAZ
Term Project (in the World)P3XW5ClCrFIT
Russian 1YR1S2ExFAST
Software architecture and componentsAPSW6ExFIT
English: Reading Skills 1/2JA2W2CrUJAZ
English: Reading Skills 2/2JA2S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Business English 1/2JA4W2CrUJAZ
Business English 2/2JA4S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Professional English for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1/2JA9W2CrUJAZ
Professional English for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2/2JA9S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Headway Pre-Intermediate 1/2JH2W2CrUJAZ
Headway Pre-Intermediate 2/2JH2S2Cr+ExUJAZ
New Headway Intermediate 1/2JH3W2CrUJAZ
New Headway Intermediate 2/2JH3S2Cr+ExUJAZ
English: Headway Upper-Intermediate 1/2JH4W2CrUJAZ
English: Headway Upper-Intermediate 2/2JH4S2Cr+ExUJAZ
MS Windows ProfessionalMW1W5ExUIFS
MS Windows ServerMW2S5ExUIFS
Speed-Reading and the Increase of Reading Speed and Perceptiveness of a TextRYCW2CrCVP
Speed-Reading and the Increase of Reading Speed and Perceptiveness of a TextRYCS2CrCVP
Sensor Information SystemsQT9W0ExUTKO
Czech Language 2CZ2S3ExUMEL
French for BeginnersYF1S2ExSPV
Franch for beginnersYF3S2ExSPV
Advanced methods of digital image processingQB5S0ExUBMI
Final State ExaminationSZZS0ExFIT
Czech Language 1CZ1W3ClCrUMEL
Algebra, Combinatorics and GraphsQM3W0ExUMAT
Rozprava k disertaciRDIDS0ExFIT
Machine VisionQA3W0ExUAMT
Assembly LanguagesIASW5ExUITS
Time ManagementTMAS2CrCVP
Time ManagementTMAW2CrCVP
German for Beginners 1/2JN1W2CrUJAZ
German for Beginners 2/2JN1S2Cr+ExUJAZ
German for Lower-Intermediate 1/2JN2W2CrUJAZ
German for Lower-Intermediate 2/2JN2S2Cr+ExUJAZ
German for Intermediate Students 1/2JN3W2CrUJAZ
German for Intermediate Students 2/2JN3S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Russian for Beginners 1/2JR1W2CrUJAZ
Russian for Beginners 2/2JR1S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Russian Pre-Intermediate 1/2JR2W2CrUJAZ
Russian Pre-Intermediate 2/2JR2S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Students 2/2JSmp2S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Students 1/2JSmp1W2CrUJAZ
Physical TrainingTVSW0CrCESA
Physical TrainingTVSS0CrCESA
Formal Specifications of Computer-Based SystemsSSDS0ExUIFS
Spanish for Beginners 1/2JS1W2CrUJAZ
Mathematical Analysis 2 (international students)MI2S7ExUMAT
Specification of Embedded SystemsSVDW0ExUIFS
Biological system modellingMOBW6Cr+ExUBMI
Physics 3FI3W4ExUFYZ
Audio and Speech Processing by Humans and MachinesASDW0ExFIT
Evolutionary ComputationEVDS0ExUPSY
Philosophy and the CultureFIKW2CrCVP
Philosophy and the CultureFIKS2CrCVP
History and Philosophy of TechnologyFITW2CrCVP
History and Philosophy of TechnologyFITS2CrCVP
Functional and Logic ProgrammingFLPW6ExUIFS
The C++ Programming LanguageICPS4CrUITS
Database SystemsIDSS5ExUIFS
Formal Languages and CompilersIFJW5ExUIFS
Seminar of PhysicsIFSW2CrUFYZ
Seminar of PhysicsIFSS2CrUTEE
Java Programming LanguageIJAS4CrUITS
The C Programming LanguageIJCS5ExUITS
The C Programming LanguageIJCW5ExUITS
Mathematical AnalysisIMAS5Cr+ExUMAT
Modelling and SimulationIMSS5ExUITS
Digital Systems DesignINCS5ExUPSY
Probability and Numerical MethodsINMW5ExUMAT
Design of Computer SystemsINPW5Cr+ExUPSY
Design of Computer SystemsINPS5ExUPSY
Operating SystemsIOSS5ExUITS
Computer Communications and NetworksIPKS5ExUIFS
Principles of Programming LanguagesIPPS5Cr+ExUIFS
Intelligent SystemsISDW0ExFIT
Signals and SystemsISSW6ExUPGM
Introduction to Software EngineeringIUSW4ClCrUIFS
VHDL Seminar (in the EU)IVHS6ClCrUPSY
Computer Graphics PrinciplesIZGS6ExUPGM
Introduction to Programming SystemsIZPW7ExUIFS
Fundamentals of Artificial IntelligenceIZUS4ExUITS
English Everyday Conversation 1/2JA3W2CrUJAZ
English Everyday Conversation 2/2JA3S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Spanish for Beginners 2/2JS2S2Cr+ExUJAZ
Advanced Methods of 3D Scene VisualisationMMDW0ExFIT
Modelling and SimulationMSDW0ExFIT
Modern Methods of Speech ProcessingMZDS0ExFIT
Parallel and Distributed ProgrammingPDDW0ExFIT
Computer GraphicsPGDW0ExFIT
Programming and Usage of Computers 1PP1W4ClCrUBMI
Programming and Computer UsagePP1S4ClCrUBMI
Fundamentals of LawPRMW2CrCVP
Fundamentals of LawPRMS2CrCVP
The Principles of Testable Design SynthesisPTDW0ExFIT
Neural networks, adaptive and optimum filteringQB4W0ExUBMI
Mathematical Statistics and EconometrySENS6ExUMAT
Fault Tolerant SystemsSODS0ExFIT
Fault Tolerant SystemsSODW4ExUPSY
Theory and Applications of Petri NetsTADS0ExUITS
Modern Theoretical Computer ScienceTIDW0ExFIT
Programming Language TheoryTJDW0ExFIT
Category TheoryTKDS0ExFIT
Higly Sophisticated ComputationsVNDS0ExFIT
Selected Topics of OOM in Persistent SystemsVPDS0ExFIT
International ActivityZPXS5CrFIT
International ActivityZPXW5CrFIT
Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesZZDW0ExFIT
Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesZZNW5ExFIT
Discrete MathematicsIDMW6ExUMAT
Circuit TheoryTOIS8ExUTEE
Practical Parallel ProgrammingPPPS5ExFIT
Self-Control, Self-Cognition, MotivationSEMS2CrCVP
Self-Control, Self-Cognition, MotivationSEMW2CrCVP
Algebraické prostředky lingvistikyMADW0ExFI MU
Compl - Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
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