Field of Study Details
Intelligent Systems
Abbreviation: MIN
Acad. year: 2022/2023
Length of Study: 2 years
Min. Credits: 120
Degree Programme: Information Technology
Language of Instruction: Czech
Form of Study: full-time
Accredited from: 2005 Accredited till: 2024 Last admissions: 2019
To make students familiar with theories, technologies and procedures being used in intelligent systems development, and to teach them to develop such systems by applying advanced development tools, methods and technologies. In compulsory courses, students deepen their knowledge received in a bachelor study program mainly in the area of uncertain and imprecise information processing. The offer of optional courses together with the choice of the theme of the individual technical project and the Master Thesis allow students to individually select their specialization in various theoretical and application areas. The graduates find employment in research, development and design of all kinds of intelligent systems. Due to a very good theoretical education and a wide universal basis of the specialization, a high adaptability of the graduates to all actual demands of their future professional practice in intelligent system and also in other areas of information technology is ensured.
Student of the Follow-Up Master Degree Programme acquire deeper knowledge in a chosen branch of study and will give him knowledge and skills base to analyse, design and verification of problems solved in research and scientific as well as in the practice This guarantee that the alumni will be successful creative worker in the appropriate information technology branch.
An alumnus of the master degree programme is ready to solve problems of information technology in praxis with utilization of contemporary scientific knowledge independently. The alumnus is able to act as an independent creative worker in the appropriate information technology branch, namely information systems and their security and safety, intelligent systems, computer systems, networks and communications, computer graphics and multimedia or a leader of a team composed of workers of various branches of IT.
The State Final Examination has two parts: A defence of the Master Thesis, and a discussion based on selected topics from the course "Intelligent Systems and Their Models" which is derived from compulsory courses of the MIN Branch of Study as Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Soft Computing, Theoretical Computer Science, Agents and Multiagents Systems, Functional and Logic Programming, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Simulation Tools and Techniques, Wireless and Mobile Networks, Intelligent Systems, Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Petri Nets. The areas of possible questions must be approved by the Study Branch Council, and students will be informed about the selected topics at least 2 months before the state final examination is held in the particular academic year. The discussion will be held on two topics.
- Expert System for Interior Lighting Design
- Data Mining from Rescue Service Database
- Control System of Intelligent Building
- Communication Inside Multiagent Systems
- Simulation of Agents Social Behavior
- Recognition of Laboratory Environment
- Recognition of Speech Commands
- Safeguard of Location of Mobile Devices
- Environment Model Creation and Robot Navigation
- Simulation of Robot Moving
Master's theses are stored at the FIT library, Božetěchova 2, Brno. The list of the master's theses, including the details is available at:
Choose academic year and curriculum
Abbrv | Title | Cred | Duty | Compl | Fa |
AGS | Agents and Multiagent Systems | 5 | C | Ex | FIT |
MAT | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science *) | 5 | C | Ex | FIT |
SFC | Soft Computing | 5 | C | Cr+Ex | FIT |
TIN | Theoretical Computer Science | 7 | C | Cr+Ex | FIT |
Abbrv | Title | Cred | Duty | Compl | Fa |
FLP | Functional and Logic Programming | 5 | C | Cr+Ex | FIT |
PRL | Parallel and Distributed Algorithms | 5 | C | Cr+Ex | FIT |
SNT | Simulation Tools and Techniques | 5 | C | Cr+Ex | FIT |
PP1 | Project Practice 1 | 5 | E | ClCr | FIT |
Abbrv | Title | Cred | Duty | Compl | Fa |
BMS | Wireless and Mobile Networks | 5 | C | Cr+Ex | FIT |
SEP | Semester Project | 5 | C | ClCr | FIT |
SIN | Intelligent Systems | 5 | C | Ex | FIT |
ZZN | Knowledge Discovery in Databases | 5 | C | Cr+Ex | FIT |
PP2 | Project Practice 2 | 5 | E | ClCr | FIT |
Abbrv | Title | Cred | Duty | Compl | Fa |
DIP | Master's Thesis | 13 | C | Cr | FIT |
MBA | Model-Based Analysis | 5 | C | Ex | FIT |
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective
Abbrv | Min. courses | Max. courses | Min.cred | Over as | Courses | Title |
B | 1 | 9 | 0 | E | BIS, BZA, SAV, SLOa, VNV | Modeling and security |
C | 1 | 9 | 0 | E | CZSa, KRY, PDS, SEM, ZRE | Signal processing and communication |
H | 1 | 1 | 3 | E | AEU, FCE, FIK, FIT, HKO, HVR, JA3, PRM, RET | Social Course |
I | 1 | 9 | 0 | E | BIN, BIO, HSC, POVa, ROBa | Intelligent systems |
S | 1 | 9 | 0 | E | GIS, PDB, THE, WAP | Software |