Field of Study Details

Information Technology

Abbreviation: BIT

Length of Study: 3 years

Min. Credits: 180

Degree Programme: Information technology

Language of Instruction: English

Form of Study: full-time

Accredited from: Accredited till: Last admissions: 2019


Aims of the Information technology branch are the same as presented at a programme card.

Key learning outcomes

Complete higher secondary education being proved by the General Certificate of Secondary Education. All applicants to the BC studies are expected to pass an entrance examination in mathematics and informatics at a level corresponding to standard secondary schools specialized in the sciences. Those applicants who fail to prove sufficient capabilities to enter the Bachelor´s study programme will be offered a one-year bridging study. The passing of the final examination of the bridging studies is sufficient to enter the Bachelor´s study programme.

Extent of the State Final Examinations

Státní závěrečná zkouška (SZZ) má písemnou část a ústní část. Písemná část SZZ spočívá ve vypracování technické zprávy bakalářské práce podložené realizačními výstupy. Ústní část SZZ spočívá v obhajobě bakalářské práce a v odborné rozpravě. Odborná rozprava při ústní části SZZ vychází z vybraných povinných předmětů v bakalářském studijním programu na oboru BIT, jako jsou matematické předměty, předměty zabývající se teorií tvorby programového vybavení a návrhem počítačových systémů.

Examples of theses

Bachelor's theses are stored at the FIT library, Božetěchova 2, Brno. The list of the bachelor's theses, including the details is available at:

Choose academic year and curriculum

1st year of study, winter semester

IASAssembly Languages5CExFIT
IDMDiscrete Mathematics6CExFIT
IE1Electrical Engineering 15CCr+ExFIT
ILALinear Algebra and Geometry4CExFIT
IUSIntroduction to Software Engineering4CClCrFIT
IZPIntroduction to Programming Systems7CExFIT
IFSSeminar of Physics2ECrFIT

1st year of study, summer semester

IE2Electrical Engineering 27CExFIT
IMAMathematical Analysis5CCr+ExFIT
INCDigital Systems Design5CExFIT
IOSOperating Systems5CExFIT
IH2Headway Pre-Intermediate 1/22CECrFIT
IH3New Headway Intermediate 1/22CECrFIT
IJCThe C Programming Language5EExFIT

2nd year of study, winter semester

IFJFormal Languages and Compilers5CExFIT
INMProbability and Numerical Methods5CExFIT
INPDesign of Computer Systems5CCr+ExFIT
ISSSignals and Systems6CExFIT
IH2Headway Pre-Intermediate 2/22CEExFIT
IH3New Headway Intermediate 2/22CEExFIT
MRPMicrocomputer Control of Electrical Drives6ECr+ExFIT
MW1MS Windows Professional5EExFIT

2nd year of study, summer semester

IDSDatabase Systems5CExFIT
IPKComputer Communications and Networks5CExFIT
IPPPrinciples of Programming Languages5CExFIT
IZGComputer Graphics Principles6CExFIT
IZUFundamentals of Artificial Intelligence4CExFIT
ICPThe C++ Programming Language4CEClCrFIT
IJAJava Programming Language4CEClCrFIT
AETAutomobile Electrical Units6ECr+ExFIT
BCIHuman Biology5ECr+ExFIT
IJCThe C Programming Language5EExFIT
LAIMedical Applications in Informatics5EExFIT
MW2MS Windows Server5EExFIT

all years of study, winter semester

TVSPhysical Training0RCrFIT
FIKPhilosophy and the Culture2CECrFIT
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technology2CECrFIT
JA1English: Preparatory Course for CFC 1/24CECrFIT
JA2English: Reading Skills 1/22CECrFIT
JA3English Everyday Conversation 1/22CECrFIT
JA4Business English 1/22CECrFIT
JA7English: Listening 1/22CECrFIT
JA9Professional English for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1/22CECrFIT
JH2Headway Pre-Intermediate 1/22CECrFIT
JH3New Headway Intermediate 1/22CECrFIT
JH4English: Headway Upper-Intermediate 1/22CECrFIT
PRMFundamentals of Law2CECrFIT
RYCSpeed-Reading and the Increase of Reading Speed and Perceptiveness of a Text2CECrFIT
SEMSelf-Control, Self-Cognition, Motivation2CECrFIT
TMATime Management2CECrFIT
EPOEthics in Management2ECrFIT
JEUSingle-Isert Bookkeeping2ECrFIT
JN1German for Beginners 1/22ECrFIT
JN2German for Lower-Intermediate 1/22ECrFIT
JN3German for Intermediate Students 1/22ECrFIT
JN5German for Advanced Students 1/22ECrFIT
JN6Preparatory Course (1) for State Exam in German 1/24ECrFIT
JR1Russian for Beginners 1/22ECrFIT
JR2Russian Pre-Intermediate 1/22ECrFIT
JS1Spanish for Beginners 1/22ECrFIT
JSmp1Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Students 1/22ECrFIT
POUDouble Insert Book-Keeping5EExFIT

all years of study, summer semester

TVSPhysical Training0RCrFIT
FIKPhilosophy and the Culture2CECrFIT
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technology2CECrFIT
JA1English: Preparatory Course for CFC 2/24CECr+ExFIT
JA2English: Reading Skills 2/22CECr+ExFIT
JA3English Everyday Conversation 2/22CECr+ExFIT
JA4Business English 2/22CECr+ExFIT
JA7English: Listening 2/22CECr+ExFIT
JA9Professional English for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2/22CECr+ExFIT
JH2Headway Pre-Intermediate 2/22CECr+ExFIT
JH3New Headway Intermediate 2/22CECr+ExFIT
JH4English: Headway Upper-Intermediate 2/22CECr+ExFIT
PRMFundamentals of Law2CECrFIT
RYCSpeed-Reading and the Increase of Reading Speed and Perceptiveness of a Text2CECrFIT
SEMSelf-Control, Self-Cognition, Motivation2CECrFIT
TMATime Management2CECrFIT
EPOEthics in Management2ECrFIT
JEUSingle-Isert Bookkeeping2ECrFIT
JN1German for Beginners 2/22ECr+ExFIT
JN2German for Lower-Intermediate 2/22ECr+ExFIT
JN3German for Intermediate Students 2/22ECr+ExFIT
JN5German for Advanced Students 2/22ECr+ExFIT
JN6Preparatory Course (1) for State Exam in German 2/24ECr+ExFIT
JN7Preparatory Course (2) for State Exam in German 2/24ECr+ExFIT
JR1Russian for Beginners 2/22ECr+ExFIT
JR2Russian Pre-Intermediate 2/22ECr+ExFIT
JS2Spanish for Beginners 2/22ECr+ExFIT
JSmp2Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Students 2/22ECr+ExFIT
LAIMedical Applications in Informatics5EExFIT
POUDouble Insert Book-Keeping5EExFIT
PSOPsychology and Sociology2EExFIT
Course is not open in this academic year
Compl: Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective
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