Social Safety
The Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) strives for a safe and fair learning and working environment free from discrimination. According to Act No. 198/2009 Coll., on Equal Treatment and Legal Means of Protection against Discrimination and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Anti-Discrimination Act), harassment, sexual harassment, persecution, instruction to discriminate and incitement to discriminate are also considered as discrimination. If any applicant, student, participant of lifelong learning, faculty member, or a member of an FIT body who is not an FIT employee feels discriminated or witnessed discrimination or any other act that violates safe and fair environment, (s)he may contact any of the following persons (listed alphabetically) for advice or assistance:
- Elsterová Elena, Member of Workgroup
- Jandová Marie, Head of the Study Department
- Nunvářová Svatava, Ing., Ph.D., Science and Research Officer
- Okrucký Alexander Rastislav, Students Union
- Veigend Petr, Ing., Ph.D., Study Advisor
- Zaklová Kristýna, Ing., Advisor for Study Agendas
If any of the persons listed above have committed discrimination or any other act violating social safety, please contact either the Dean, Doc. Petr Hanáček, or the Faculty Officer for Social Safety, Dr. Bohuslav Křena. Any suggestions that may contribute to social safety at the faculty, discuss with Dr. Bohuslav Křena.
A complaint about a breach of social safety can be made in paper form via the trust box located outside room A121. Dr. Svatava Nunvářová and Dr. Petr Veigend check the trust box at least once a week (usually on Thursdays). They pass on the complaints from the box (without getting acquainted with them) directly to the Social Security Coordinator Ing. Bohdana Šlégrová.
Please note that official notifications and complaints must be dealt with, and the Police of the Czech Republic may be involved in the investigation of serious offences as the Faculty's power of investigation is limited. Once an act violating social security has been proven, the faculty will then take measures appropriate to the seriousness of the act committed, in accordance with the Code of Ethics, the Disciplinary Code for Students of BUT, the Disciplinary Code for Students of FIT or Act No. 262/2006 Coll. (Labour Code). These measures can range from reprimand for less serious acts like inappropriate joke to exclusion from studies for students or immediate termination of employment for employees who commit a serious act like sexually motivated physical assault.
Students in need of psychological help should contact the Institute of Lifelong Learning at Brno University of Technology.
Those interested in this issue can find further information on the university website on social safety.
Responsible person: Ing. Bohuslav Křena, Ph.D.