Study and Internships Abroad
Gaining experience from travelling abroad is an invaluable opportunity. Students can take advantage of partner organizations and a range of programmes offered by the FIT to spend some of their studies abroad. This will give them a unique opportunity to explore a new culture, improve their language skills and learn methods of studying and teaching elsewhere. They will broaden their minds, gain a wealth of new experiences and friends, and establish relationships with people from abroad that may be very useful in their future careers.
Would you like to receive news about current offers of study stays and internships abroad?
- Erasmus+ Study Stays - OINT Presentation
- Erasmus+ and Freemovers Study Stays - FIT Presentation
- EULiST Alliance
- EULiST Alliance Web
ESN BUT - foreign activities during studies at FIT
We are a volunteer student organization that helps international students get the most out of their Erasmus. We belong to the international organization Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and organize various events, parties, quizzes, language courses, workshops, Buddy system, etc. We are also dedicated to the development of our members through various workshops and team building. You will learn event organization, project management, leadership and you will also get to know a friendly team. We do all this because we love the international environment and we like to spread the Erasmus spirit.
- Further events and scholarships
- Newsletter of the Foreign Relationship Department
Partner universities
14,7 %
Share of graduates who went abroad during their studies
64 %
Employers are more committed to those who went abroad during their studies
The number of FIT students who go abroad every year