Study news
Category: study
From: 12 May 2025
To: 13 June 2025
For easier checking of collisions (the non-overlaping exam times during one day are not considered collisions) for the exams after the SUMMER semester, the following exam dates and times are available for the courses, that are mandatory on any field/specialization or are mandatory or mandatory elective on multiple specializations: 1BIT, 2BIT, 3BIT, 1MIT, 2MIT, 1EIT, 2EIT and INTE.
To see the overall distribution of the examination dates, special requests of some examiners and evaluation of the possible collisions for students can be seen here. The plan with room reservations can be seen here. Please report all errors to K. Zaklová and/or J. Dytrych.
The dates and times can change until the beginning of the examination period. Please check the course pages and the information system for additional information about the exams (due note the registration requirements). The rooms can also be adjusted during the examination period due to the changing number of students that can attend the term. Before the exam, always check the course pages for up to date information.
Author: Zaklová Kristýna, Ing.
Last modified: 2025-03-27 09:07:38