Study Rules
The most important study regulations
- Act No. 111/1998 Coll. Act on Higher Education Institutions - it is a key regulation regulating the position of universities in the Czech Republic. There is the most basic information on the functioning of universities (authorities, structuring, accreditation and position towards other institutions). It determines what internal regulations the school must have, the basic responsibilities of students, the requirements of study program documentation, the obligation to publish final theses, etc. It also determines the procedures for admission to study, interruption of studies and its termination.
- Study and Examination Rules of BUT - determines basic study rules (rules of examination, repetition of it, excuse or cheat sheet; and study matters - interrupting studies, recognition of courses, defence of the thesis, finishing studies). It is a basic regulation that students should get familiar with during their studies.
- Guideline No. 13/2018 Rules on Organisation of Studies at the FIT- complements the Study and Examination Regulations and specifies the details of the study with respect to the FIT specifics, eg rules for repetition of subjects, completion of subjects, conditions for continuation of studies and others.
- Guideline No. 2/2022 Registration for courses and individual study plans in Bachelor's and Master's studies - specifies the rules and procedure for course registration and credit limits. It also deals with the details of enrollment of compulsory, compulsory-elective, elective, linguistic, social-science, free and other subjects and the issue of parallel study.
- Guideline No. 3/2023 Enrolment to the Next Year of Study - regulates the enrolment in next years of studies.
- Guideline No. 72/2017 Format, submission and publication of final theses - lays down the prescribed structure and uniform format of the cover sheet and covers of theses and the manner in which they shall be submitted and published at BUT.
- Guideline No. 7/2018 Format, submission and publication of final theses at FIT BUT - lays down the details for implementation of Guideline No. 72/2017 considering the specifics of FIT.
- Guideline No. 2/2023 Rules of state final examinations in bachelor's and master's studies at the FIT BUT - lays down rules for organisation and course of the State final examinations for Bachelor’s and Master’s studies at the FIT and the Rules of Procedure of Examination Committees and the manner of their convening.
- Disciplinary Rules for Students - are concerned with disciplinary offences by students of BUT, the procedure of hearing of cases involving such disciplinary offences, as well as the decision-making thereon and imposing of penalties.
- Disciplinary Rules for FIT Students - specifies details regarding the preparation of documents for initiating disciplinary proceedings and rules of conduct of the FIT Disciplinary Commission.
Other regulations related to studies
- Government Regulation No. 274/2016 on standards for accreditation in higher education - determines standards for institutional accreditation, standards for accreditation of a degree programme, standards for accreditation of the habilitation procedure and standards for accreditation of the procedure for appointment of a professor.
- Government Regulation No. 275/2016 on fields of study in higher education (available only in Czech) - defines individual areas of education and contains basic thematic areas, typical study programs or framework profiles of graduates according to the areas of education.
- Recommended guidelines for study program preparation (available only in Czech) - contains important information about the construction of the study program (for example the credit minimums for the Master study program).
Internal Regulations of BUT
- The Statue of BUT (available only in Czech) - is a key legal document and defines the mission and position of Brno University of Technology (and the persons and the authorities) and gives the basic rules for the existence and functioning of this university.
- The Rules of Programmes Implemented at BUT - defines the processes of creation, approval and change of programmes within institutional accreditation.
- BUT Rules of Lifelong Learning - lays down rules for lifelong learning and internationally recognized courses.
Study-related regulations
- Instruction No. 18/2017 Principles of student mobility within countries involved in the Erasmus+ programme (available only in Czech).
- Guideline No. 14/2020 Foreign stay and foreign internship (available only in Czech).
- Guideline No. 17/2019, on the study of the physical education - introduces credit reward for completing physical education courses.
- Guideline No. 12/2019, on the study of the English language - regulates the minimum language competences of graduates of bachelor's degree programmes.
- Guideline No. 6/2019: Inter-faculty teaching of free elective courses at Brno University of Technology (available only in Czech).
- Decision No. 24/2017 Time schedule of the teaching part of the academic year - defines who sets the academic year schedule and how. Time schedule of the academic year 2024/2025 and Time schedule of the academic year 2025/2026 (available only in Czech) set out specific dates for the start and duration of classes and teaching hours in a given academic year.
- Guideline No. 11/2017 Applicants and students with special needs at the Brno University of Technology - regulates the status of applicants for study and students with specific needs at the BUT.
- Decision No. 3/2025 Issuance of copies of documents (available only in Czech).
Scholarships and Tuition fees
- Scholarship Rules of BUT - determines rules for granting scholarships to students in bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs, defines what kinds of scholarships a student can obtain and under what conditions.
- Guideline No. 1/2022 Rules for awarding scholarship for FIT students - supplements the Scholarship Rules of Brno University of Technology and details the conditions for granting scholarships and the associated procedures at FIT.
- Guideline No. 71/2017 Accommodation grants and scholarship for students in difficult social situations (available only in czech) - specifies the details and procedure for granting accommodation scholarships and scholarships in case the student finds himself in a difficult social situation.
- Guideline No. 20/2017 Rules for awarding exceptional scholarships for students in difficult life situations (available only in czech) - specifies Guideline No. 71/2017 as regards the details of the social scholarship.
- Decision No. 3/2024 Tuition fees for the academic year 2024/25 and Decision No. 2/2025 Tuition fees for the academic year 2025/26 (available only in Czech) - specifies the amount of the fee for the given academic years.
Admission Procedure
- Decision No. 5/2024 Fee for actions related to the admission procedure for the academic year 2025/26 (available only in Czech) - sets out how the fee is determined and collected in connection with the admission procedure.
Student accomodation
- Instructions No. 46/2017 Principles of student and BUT staff accommodation in BUT dormitories (available only in Czech) and Annex No. 1 – version of the principles for the given academic year.
Computer network
Termination of Studies
- Decision No. 23/2017 Confirmation of an amendment to a diploma (available only in Czech) - according to this decision, confirmations of the amendments to the bachelor's and master's diplomas are being ensured by the faculties, where the student passed the state final exams; doctoral diplomas are confirmed by the Department of Study Affairs of the BUT Rectorate.
- Instructions No. 24/2017 Form of the protocol of the State final exam (available only in Czech) - specifies the essentials to be included in the State Final Examination Protocol in the Bachelor's or Master's degree program.
- Guideline No. 5/2024 Rules for awarding medals and rector prizes at BUT (available only in Czech) - specifies under which conditions, how and in what amount the Rector's Prize can be awarded to BUT graduates.
Lifelong learning
- Guideline No. 10/2017 BUT university of the third age (available only in Czech) - regulates the aim, organization and details of studies for participants of the University of the Third Age BUT.
Responsibility: doc. Ing. Radek Burget, Ph.D.
Last update: 2025-03-04 21:02:26
Last update: 2025-03-04 21:02:26