Computer Centre

Computer labs

Personal computer laboratories and multimedia laboratories are equipped with personal computers of Intel PC architecture, 23" and 24" LCD monitors and Microsoft Windows 10+Linux CentOS operating systems.



Entry to computer labs is located on 2nd floor in corridor connecting building L to P. From the entrance hall go upstairs to 2nd floor and directly to corridor towards building P. Entry to computer labs is on right hand side. You are required to check-in with your student card even if the door is opened. If you have no card yet or you hav left your card at home you may ask your techer to let you in by call from button panel.

Pavilion M

On the 2nd floor there is an entrance and a cloakroom, on the 1st floor there is open laboratory M103 and lecture rooms M104 and M105. In the corridor there is network printer LJSTUDM.

Pavilion N

Computer labs N203, N204, N205, N103, N104, N105 are time scheduled. During free blocks you may use the labs on yopur own. In the corridor on the 2nd floor there is network printer LJSTUDN.

Pavilion O

Laboratories on the 2nd floor are opened during scheduled courses: Cisco O203, 3D graphics O204 and Network lab O205. In the corridor there is network printer LJSTUDO. On the 1st floor you can find specialized labs: Airplane simulator O103 and Robot labs O104 and O105.

All pavilions are covered with WiFi signal.

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