Basic information

Since 2002, the Faculty of Information Technology has had a trade union organization, ZO VOS of the Faculty of Information Technology BUT (ZO FIT), which represents and protects the interests of the employees of the Faculty of Information Technology.

Legal status

The trade union is a separate legal entity. Legally, it is the so-called basic organisation of the University Trade Union (VOS), which represents all employees of universities in the Czech Republic in negotiations with various organisations. The Higher Education Trade Union is then a member of the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions, which coordinates the activities of individual unions.

Competence within the BUT

Like the trade unions of other faculties/units, FIT has a representative in the Coordinating Trade Union Council (KOR), which is a partner for negotiations with the BUT management. The annual negotiations result in a collective agreement applicable to the entire BUT.

Competence within the FIT

The collective agreement of the BUT is followed by a collective agreement concluded between the FIT Union and the management of the faculty. The aim of collective negotiations is to regulate conditions specific to FIT employees.

Recent collective agreements

Further information is available in the private section.


The purpose of the FIT Union is to make our working environment more pleasant. In order to fulfill this vision, employee involvement is important to us and we are grateful for every opinion.

Suggestions, comments and complaints may be made in person or by email to any member of the Executive Board, or anonymously using the form.

Executive Board Address

ZO VOS Fakulty informačních technologií VUT v Brně
Božetěchova 1/2, 612 00 Brno
IČ 70949476

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