This dataset contains 4K synthetic light field scenes with 15x15 views. All views are positioned in a uniform grid with constant spaces.
The dataset was released as a part of the paper Lightweight all-focused light field rendering. The paper evaluates previously proposed ways of disparity/focus map estimation and proposed novel algorithms to improve the resulting quality of the map and the computational performance. Such maps are used to synthetize all-focused novel views in light field rendering.
The following video quickly introduces the problem and describes the solution:
The following demo demonstrates the simplified mechanism of focus map generation and relevant novel view synthesis from light field.
The green cameras mark the 4 views that are used in the focus map generation.
Click into the grid to select a desired view..
Loading resources. This might take a few minutes. Downloading 40 MB of light field images. The demo will be working once the downloading is finished.
The slider splits the result to the synthetic view and the focus map.
The view position can also be changed by pressing and dragging left mouse button inside the scene.
All assets used in the dataset scenes were available under CC0 licence. They were obtained from the following sources:
Stanford Bunny:
Public domain 3D models:
Blender demo files:
If you find our dataset or method useful, please cite our work:
@article{chlubna2024light, title = {Lightweight all-focused light field rendering}, journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding}, pages = {104031}, year = {2024}, issn = {1077-3142}, doi = {10.1016/j.cviu.2024.104031}, url = {}, author = {Tomáš Chlubna and Tomáš Milet and Pavel Zemčík}}
The dataset was rendered with Cycles rendering engine using Blender 3D editing software. The .blend project files are available and contain the same settings as were used in the rendering of the views. The light field views were rendered with a custom Light Field Data Renderer & Capturing Addon and the parameters used in its GUI are listed at eachs cene below.
Two sparser datasets (8x8 as rendering input and the rest between the input views as reference) used to evaluate the synthesis in between the frames can be extracted using this script.
The views were rendered as PNG images and compressed using lossless AV1 video encoding with FFmpeg:
ffmpeg -i data/%05d.png -c:v libaom-av1 -crf 0 -aom-params lossless=1 data.mkv
The views were can be extracted with ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i data.mkv data/%05d.png
The processing script is also available.
The scenes were obtained and designed to represent classic candidates for light field rendering and photography in general. Some of the scenes are examples of easy/hard cases for image-based rendering methods and serve for benchmarking and testing purposes. Light field video examples are also present in a form of short seamless loop animations. The parameters can be used to reproduce the render process using the published Blender addon or to render a novel view with the published light field focusing and rendering code. Center and four corner views are shown in the pictures.
Two reflective objects in neutral simple setting. Example of possible product advertisment scenario.
Focus range: | 0.15 - 0.63 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.003 |
Grid scale: | 0.012 |
Camera overlap: | 1.1 |
Distance position: | (4.99641, 3.88121, 0.884559) |
Camera position: | (-5.47259, -2.16307, 0.884558) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, -60) |
Furry animal in grassy environment with depth-of-field effect. Artistic scene like from an animated movie.
Focus range: | 0.03 - 0.4 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.9157 |
Grid scale: | 0.021 |
Camera overlap: | 1.0 |
Distance position: | (7.6653, -24.4815, 1.29052) |
Camera position: | (14.4543, -39.0405, -1.97775) |
Camera orientation: | (101.5, 0, 25) |
Classic example of indoors scene - room with a lot of chairs and desks with unique objects in the back.
Focus range: | 0.09 - 0.58 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.3807 |
Grid scale: | 0.0107 |
Camera overlap: | 1.2 |
Distance position: | (0.936687, 2.07315, 1.22739) |
Camera position: | (3, -4.39, 1.15) |
Camera orientation: | (90.6, 0, 20) |
Indoors scene with a few objects of interest.
Focus range: | 0.33 - 0.85 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.937 |
Grid scale: | 0.032 |
Camera overlap: | 0.14 |
Distance position: | (-0.152988, 0.375359, -0.564709) |
Camera position: | (1, -1.2, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (74, 0, 36.2) |
Outdoors scene with buildings and one object of interest in the front.
Focus range: | 0.05 - 0.42 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.8323 |
Grid scale: | 0.01 |
Camera overlap: | 0.1 |
Distance position: | (0.25, 0.2716, -0.1) |
Camera position: | (0.25, -3.5, -0.1) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
The whole color spectra in one scene.
Focus range: | 0.185 - 0.4 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.9058 |
Grid scale: | 0.02 |
Camera overlap: | 0.2 |
Distance position: | (0, -0.505575, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -4, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
The whole scene is desaturated, mostly consisting of shades of gray.
Focus range: | 0.16 - 0.41 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.8084 |
Grid scale: | 0.0185 |
Camera overlap: | 0.35 |
Distance position: | (0, 18.8203, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -4, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Standard testing scene for 3D rendering methods.
Focus range: | 0.22 - 0.39 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.783 |
Grid scale: | 0.016 |
Camera overlap: | 0.01 |
Distance position: | (0, 0.176233, -0.3) |
Camera position: | (0, -3.5, -0.3) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Simple 3D objects containing only diffuse materials.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.52 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.02762 |
Grid scale: | 0.021 |
Camera overlap: | 0.35 |
Distance position: | (0. -0.023108, 0.15) |
Camera position: | (0, -3.7, 0.14) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Human face portrait containing depth of field and subsurface scattering materials.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.44 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.885 |
Grid scale: | 0.027 |
Camera overlap: | 0.15 |
Distance position: | (-0.006783, -0.539675, 0.35) |
Camera position: | (-0.8, -3.5, 0.35) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Various objects placed in front of a green screen setting which is commonly used in cinematography to capture objects without background.
Focus range: | 0.18 - 0.415 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.9175 |
Grid scale: | 0.0267 |
Camera overlap: | 0.1 |
Distance position: | (0, -1.64239, -0.77) |
Camera position: | (0, -3.26, -0.77) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Natural scene containing a lof of high-frequency features.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.45 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.975 |
Grid scale: | 0.014 |
Camera overlap: | 0.3 |
Distance position: | (0, 0.156846, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -3.5, 0.2) |
Camera orientation: | (87, 0, 0) |
Outdoors environment with very large depth range and objects distributed along the whole range.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.835 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.0213 |
Grid scale: | 0.012267 |
Camera overlap: | 5.0 |
Distance position: | (0, 47.7761, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -4, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Objects lying on a table with very small depth range.
Focus range: | 0.54 - 0.63 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.122 |
Grid scale: | 0.04626 |
Camera overlap: | 0.35 |
Distance position: | (0, -0.133231, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -2.95, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Outdoors scene containing a lot of low frequency features and color gradients.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.46 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.0223 |
Grid scale: | 0.02 |
Camera overlap: | 0.1 |
Distance position: | (0, -1.15276, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -3.94, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Example of close macro photography.
Focus range: | 0.1 - 0.65 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.9846 |
Grid scale: | 0.02 |
Camera overlap: | 0.1 |
Distance position: | (0, -2.87787, -0.347359) |
Camera position: | (0, -4, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (72.8, 0, 0) |
Ultra reflective scene with caustics and tranparency.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.52 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.02762 |
Grid scale: | 0.021 |
Camera overlap: | 0.35 |
Distance position: | (0. -0.023108, 0.15) |
Camera position: | (0, -3.7, 0.14) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Simple black-screen scene with lit objects of interest in the middle.
Focus range: | 0.43 - 0.61 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.8266 |
Grid scale: | 0.035 |
Camera overlap: | 0.1 |
Distance position: | (0, 0.182044, 0.18) |
Camera position: | (0, -4, 0.18) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
One single object on black background.
Focus range: | 0.25 - 0.351 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.873 |
Grid scale: | 0.021332 |
Camera overlap: | 0.1 |
Distance position: | (0, -0.151653, 0.1) |
Camera position: | (0 -4 0.1) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Variation of Stanford Bunny - famous testing 3D model. Contains basic scene elements: object of interest, flat ground and static sky.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.635 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.8327 |
Grid scale: | 0.0175 |
Camera overlap: | 0.10 |
Distance position: | (0, -0.25893, 0.13) |
Camera position: | (0, -4, 0.15) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Objects containing text in 3D environment.
Focus range: | 0.05 - 0.43 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.8658 |
Grid scale: | 0.026 |
Camera overlap: | 0.15 |
Distance position: | (0, -0.359667, 0.22) |
Camera position: | (0, -4, 0.22) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Volumetric effects on black background. The scene contains fire and smoke simulation with sparks simulated by particles.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.49 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.89395 |
Grid scale: | 0.027 |
Camera overlap: | 0.2 |
Distance position: | (0, 0, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -3.8, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Animated light field video of bright and dark neutrally colored areas with volumetric effects.
Focus range: | 0.06 - 0.3 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.276 |
Grid scale: | 0.014 |
Camera overlap: | 1.0 |
Distance position: | (0, 0.531669, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -5.79, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Animated light field video capturing a street with passing reflective car.
Focus range: | 0.16 - 0.29 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.816 |
Grid scale: | 0.014 |
Camera overlap: | 0.2 |
Distance position: | (-0.167053, 4.87126, 0.139211) |
Camera position: | (0, -5.6, 0.5) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Animated light field video with a wast landscape and changing sun elevation.
Focus range: | 0.0 - 0.29 |
Camera grid aspect: | 2.046 |
Grid scale: | 0.014 |
Camera overlap: | 0.5 |
Distance position: | (0, -0.973857, 0) |
Camera position: | (0, -5.79, 0) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |
Moving character in front of green screen setup.
Focus range: | 0.19 - 0.53 |
Camera grid aspect: | 1.909 |
Grid scale: | 0.015 |
Camera overlap: | 0.2 |
Distance position: | (0, -0.384254, -0.65) |
Camera position: | (0, -3.8, -0.7) |
Camera orientation: | (90, 0, 0) |