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About benchmark

Formulae of Strand benchmark are derived fromt he WS1S-based shape analysis of [1] that contains various invariants over structures like single-linked lists or bubble sort algorithm.

Machine Specification

Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux
Processor Intel Core i7-4770@3.4GHz
Memory 32 GiB RAM


For this set of experiments, we considered MONA, dWiNA and Gaston only since other tools were missing some of the features (e.g. atomic predicates) needed to handle the formulae.

The formulae of Strand have narrow quantifiers (i.e. contains lesser number of bounded variables), but on the contrary have larger quantifier nesting. In our experience, treating MTBDD nodes as automata states (denoted as Heuristic II), presented in the paper, is not efficient for this benchmark. The explicit generation of symbols (Heuristic I) is however powerful and Gaston is mostly comparable, in two cases better and in one case worse than MONA (note that we are currently investigating why the given formula is exploding in our approach).

Used notations

the running time exceeded 2 minutes
oom the tool ran out of memory
k k quantifier alternations were added to the original benchmark
N/A benchmark required some feature or atomic predicate unsupported by the given tool
All Overall number of generated unique terms (e.g. DAG nodes)
Fixpoint Overall number of terms inside computed fixpoint
MONA State space generated by MONA on the leaf levels of the terms

Experimental results

benchmark MONA Gaston (Heuristic I) Gaston (Heuristic II) dWiNA
Time [s] Space [states] Time [s] Space [states] Time [s] Space [states] Time [s]
All Fixpoint MONA All Fixpoint MONA
strand-new-bubblesort-else.mona 0.02 14469 0.01 2138 2680 1787 0.05 9715 609745 2142
strand-new-bubblesort-if-else.mona 0.11 61883 0.03 3207 3076 2870 0.15 16296 2027176 3269
strand-new-bubblesort-if-if.mona 0.28 127552 0.09 5428 5649 5062 0.42 29189 7261360 5483
strand-new-sorted-list-insert-after-loop.mona 0.01 2634 0.20 5066 30568 631 9.90 70044 6471433 631 50.06
strand-new-sorted-list-insert-before-head.mona 0.01 678 0.01 541 614 274 0.01 1843 14837 296 0.84
strand-new-sorted-list-insert-before-loop.mona 0.01 1448 0.01 656 310 486 0.01 1590 9856 552 20.31
strand-new-sorted-list-insert-error-error.mona 0.01 1448 0.01 656 310 486 0.01 1590 9856 552 20.28
strand-new-sorted-list-insert-in-loop.mona 0.01 5945 0.01 1079 675 845 0.01 3599 65074 1008
strand-new-sorted-list-reverse-after-loop.mona 0.01 1941 0.01 579 309 422 0.01 1820 14818 510 12.74
strand-new-sorted-list-reverse-before-loop.mona 0.01 1941 0.01 579 309 422 0.01 1820 14818 510 12.82
strand-new-sorted-list-reverse-in-loop.mona 0.03 23349 0.01 3247 2082 2834 0.06 12006 725582 3130 16.24
strand-new-sorted-list-search-after-loop.mona 0.01 1072 0.01 419 210 287 0.01 1159 5785 353 2.31
strand-new-sorted-list-search-before-loop.mona 0.01 1181 0.01 510 245 362 0.01 1323 7293 428 47.25
strand-new-sorted-list-search-in-loop.mona 0.04 23349 0.01 3247 2082 2834 0.05 12006 725582 3130 16.23


We thank authors of STRAND tool (P. Madhusudan, X. Qiu and G. Parlato) for publication of their experiments with WS1S formulae.

  1. Madhusudan P., Parlato G., and Qiu X.: Decidable logics combining heap structures and data.
  2. Madhusudan P., and Qiu, X.: Efficient decision procedures for heaps using STRAND